Longtime horse racing leader parts ways with Omaha Exposition and Racing

Article from the Lincoln Journal Star


After years of heading horse racing operations in Omaha and Lincoln, Greg Hosch has parted ways with Omaha Exposition and Racing.

Omaha Exposition and Racing Board President Robert Moser Jr. confirmed Hosch’s last day on the job was Friday, but declined to say whether he left voluntarily.

Hosch did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Hosch, who lives in Millard, was vice president of racing for Omaha Exposition and Racing, as well as general manager of Horsemen’s Park in Omaha since 2008 and oversaw operations at the Lincoln Race Course. He ran unsuccessfully last year for the Legislature’s District 12 seat.

Horse racing has been on the decline nationally for decades. Supporters of Nebraska racing were dealt a major setback in September when the state Supreme Court struck from the ballot a proposed constitutional amendment that would have allowed betting on previously run races. Proponents had said the historic racing machines would have given the industry a much needed injection of cash.

Moser, who also serves on the Nebraska Horsemen’s Benevolent and Protective Association, said Omaha Exposition and Racing is looking for a replacement for Hosch and applications are due by July 10.

Lincoln Race Course in 2013 opened a new facility in southwest Lincoln where fans can wager on simulcast races from tracks across the country. But the Nebraska Horsemen’s Benevolent and Protective Association, which owns the property, has struggled to get the funding to build a permanent race track. Instead they have built a temporary track to allow a single day of racing, which state law requires to allow simulcasts.

A former manager of the Lincoln Race Course, Judd Bietz, filed a lawsuit in March saying he was wrongfully fired in retaliation for reporting Hosch for alleged illegal use of the pari-mutuel betting system. Lincoln police investigated the allegations but no charges were filed.

Lancaster County District Judge Steven Burns last week cleared a major hurdle for Bietz, ruling the suit could move forward against Omaha Exposition and Racing and the Nebraska Horsemen’s Benevolent and Protective Association. The judge also gave Bietz permission to amend his complaint against the National Horsemen’s Benevolent and Protective Association.

Leadership of Nebraska’s racehorse industry has seen turnover in recent months. Three members of the Horsemen’s Benevolent and Protective Association, which owns both the Omaha and Lincoln race courses, were voted off the board in April, including then-president Todd Veerhusen.

Urgent update on LB 70 (Slot tax and more) HELP!

Dear Supporter,

We need your help immediately! The Governor last night vetoed LB 70 which puts a small, 10% tax on the illegal slot machines that are popping up all over the state. If we thought this would eliminate these machines we would be in favor of this bill instead it will expand gambling because of other wording in the bill.

The Legislature will be voting on this TODAY !  Please contact as many Senators as possible and ask them to vote “NO” or “Not Voting”  on overriding the Governor’s veto of LB 70 !


(Ask your friends to help us also.)


Sen. Roy Baker rbaker@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2620
Sen. Dave Bloomfield dbloomfield@leg.ne.gov  402-471-2716
Sen. Kate Bolz kbolz@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2734
Sen. Lydia Brasch lbrasch@leg.ne.gov  402-471-2728
Sen. Kathy Campbell Kcampbell@leg.ne.gov  402-471-2731
Sen. Ernie Chambers Echambrs@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2612
Sen. Colby Coash Ccoash@leg.ne.gov  402-471-2632
Sen. Tanya Cook Tcook@leg.ne.gov  402-471-2727
Sen. Joni Craighead Jcraighead@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2714
Sen. Sue Crawford Scrawford@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2615
Sen. Al Davis Adavis@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2628
Sen. Laura Ebke Lebke@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2711
Sen. Curt Friesen Cfriesen@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2630
Sen. Tommy Garrett Tgarrett@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2627
Sen. Mike Gloor Mgloor@leg.ne.gov  402-471-2617
Sen. Mike Groene Mgroene@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2729
Sen. Burt Haar Bhaar@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2673
Sen. Galen Hadley Ghadley@leg.ne.gov  402-471-2726
Sen. Matt Hansen Mhansen@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2610
Sen. Burke Harr bharr@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2722
Sen. Robert Hilkemann Rhilkemann@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2621
Sen. Sara Howard Showard@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2723
Sen. Dan Hughes Dhughes@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2805
Sen. Jerry Johnson Jjohnson@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2719
Sen. Bill Kintner Bkintner@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2613
Sen. Rick Kolowski Rkolowski@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2327
Sen. Mark Kolterman Mkolterman@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2756
Sen. Bob Krist Bkrist@leg.ne.gov  402-471-2718
Sen. John Kuehn Jhuehn@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2732
Sen. Tyson Larson tlarson@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2801
Sen. Brett Lindstrom Blindstrom@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2618
Sen. John McCollister Jmccollister@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2622
Sen. Beau McCoy bmccoy@leg.ne.gov  402-471-2885
Sen. Heath Mello Hmello@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2710
Sen. Adam Morfeld Amorfeld@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2720
Sen. John Murante Jmurante@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2725
Sen. Jeremy Nordquist Jnordquist@leg.ne.gov  402-471-2721
Sen. Patty Pansing Brooks Psansingbrooks@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2633
Sen. Merv Riepe Mriepe@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2623
Sen. Jim Scheer Jscheer@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2929
Sen. Ken Schilz Kschilz@leg.ne.gov  402-471-2616
Sen. David Schnoor Dschnoor@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2625
Sen. Paul Schumacher Pschumacher@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2715
Sen. Les Seiler lseiler@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2712
Sen. Jim Smith jsmith@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2730
Sen. John Stinner Jstinner@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2802
Sen. Kate Sullivan Ksullivan@leg.ne.gov  402-471-2631
Sen. Dan Watermeier Dwatermeier@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2733
Sen. Matt Williams Mwilliams@leg.ne.gov 402-471-2642


Thank you for all you do and I will keep you informed.  I am on my way to the Capitol!  Pray!


Blessings, Pat

Lyle Japp’s Obituary

5519bc831a697.imagePosted: Sunday, March 29, 2015

Japp, Lyle William

Japp, Lyle William Oct 29, 1925 – Mar 23, 2015 Lyle William Japp, age 89, passed into Glory on March 23, 2015, following a courageous battle with pulmonary fibrosis. He was born October 29, 1925 in Blair, Nebraska, to Walter and Marie (Wrich) Japp and grew up on the family farm. Following service in the army from 1945-46, he attended the University of Nebraska, graduating with a degree in business. He began a career with New York Life Insurance Company that lasted more than 60 years.

During his lifetime and continuing up until his death, Lyle was actively involved in a large number of religious and civic organizations, often as a cofounder or member of the board of directors. He served with the Good News Jail Ministry for 40 years, the Gideon’s for 40 years, Gambling With the Good Life for 20 years, Kiwanis for 35 years, the Open Door Mission, Overcomers in Christ, the Teammates mentoring program, and many others. In recognition of his lifetime contributions Lyle was awarded the Spirit Warrior Award by the Christian Business Men’s Committee.

Lyle will be remembered by his family and friends for his warm smile, ready conversation, eager hospitality, endless generosity, and an ever-ready desire to share the Good News of his Savior Jesus Christ whom he had received almost 60 years before. He was always willing to help, whether it was coaching the little league team, making a pot of chili, or providing housing for someone in need. Of course he was a faithful follower of nearly all Husker sports. Lyle was a unique and gifted man. He will be greatly missed.

He was preceded in death by his wife of nearly 58 years, Phyllis M. Japp, PhD; parents, and his sister Mary Lou (Andersen). He is survived by his children Debra Japp, PhD and John Michael Japp (Janet); grandchildren Brendan (Jennifer) and Rachel Gilkey (Joseph); great-grandchildren, Griffin, Edie, and Maddox. He is also survived by two siblings: Walter, Jr (JoAnn) and Mildred (Krampe) along with numerous nieces and nephews.

Lyle’s LIFE WILL BE CELEBRATED on Thursday, April 2, at 11am at Brookside Church, 11607 M Circle, Omaha, NE. A luncheon will follow.

In lieu of flowers, those who wish to honor Lyle’s memory are encouraged to donate to one of the organizations he supported during his life, e.g. the Good News Jail and Prison Ministry, Gambling With the Good Life, Volunteers for Christ Campus Ministry, The Phyllis and Lyle Japp Scholars Fund at UNL, and others. For additional details on the organizations and how to give, send an email to HonorLyle@gmail.com.

Capitol Conversations

Pat Loontjer — Gambling With The Good Life

Pat Loontjer of the group Gambling with the Good Life talks about her efforts against expanded gambling in Nebraska.